воскресенье, 9 декабря 2018 г.

В Бузулуке снесли родовую купеческую усадьбу Михаила Олеговича Ефремова

В городе Бузулук снесли родовую купеческую усадьбу Михаила Олеговича Ефремова
(советский и российский актёр театра и кино, театральный режиссёр, телеведущий. Заслуженный артист Российской Федерации)

В 1870 году бузулукские Андрей и Абрам Прокофьевичи Ефремовы построили каменный дом (Андрей Ефремов согласно переписи города Бузулука за 1834 год, числился купцом 3 гильдии)

Основателем фамилии бузулукских мещан Ефремовых был Андрей Ефремов 1774 года рождения. Фамилию «Ефремовы» получили дети и внуки Андрея во время проведения переписи 1858 года.

Прокофий Андреевич Ефремов родился в 1818 году и прожил всего двадцать шесть лет и умер в 1844 году. Несмотря на раннюю смерть Прокофий Андреевич оставил четверых сыновей: Василия, Кирилла, Андрея и Абрам. Абрам – отец Ивана Ефремова – родного дедушки Олега Ефремова. Так выглядит семейное древо знаменитой династии Ефремовых.

Олег Николаевич Ефремов советский и российский актёр и режиссёр театра и кино, педагог, театральный деятель. Герой Социалистического Труда (1987). Народный артист СССР (1976). Лауреат трёх Государственных премий СССР (1969, 1974, 1983) и двух Государственных премий РФ (1997, 2003). Один из создателей и первый секретарь правления Союза театральных деятелей СССР[5], член Союза кинематографистов СССР. Избирался Народным депутатом СССР от творческих союзов. Член КПСС с 1955 года.
Олег Ефремов — создатель театра «Современник», в 1956—1970 годах был его художественным руководителем; с 1970 года возглавлял МХАТ СССР им. Горького, а после его раздела в 1987 году — МХТ им. Чехова.

PS: В Бузулуке отсутствует четко сформулированная и целенаправленная политика по сохранению исторической среды, а состояние дел в современном строительстве и архитектуре вызывает закономерную тревогу.


In the city of Buzuluk demolished generic merchant estate Mikhail Olegovich Efremov

In the city of Buzuluk demolished generic merchant estate Mikhail Olegovich Efremov (Soviet and Russian film and theater actor, theater Director, TV presenter. Honored artist of the Russian Federation) In 1870 buzulukskiy Andrew and Abram Prokofievich the Ephraim built a stone house (Andrey Efremov according to the census of the city of Buzuluk in 1834, was listed as a merchant of 3rd Guild) The founder of the surname Buzuluk burghers Efremov was Andrey Efremov born in 1774. The name "Efremov" was given to the children and grandchildren of Andrew during the census of 1858. Prokofiy Andreevich Efremov was born in 1818 and lived only twenty-six years and died in 1844. Despite his early death, prokofiy Andreevich left four sons: Basil, Cyril, Andrew and Abram. Abram is the father of Ivan Efremov, the grandfather of Oleg Efremov. This is the family tree of the famous Ephraim dynasty. HELP Oleg Nikolaevich Efremov Soviet and Russian actor and Director of theater and cinema, teacher, theatrical figure. Hero Of Socialist Labor (1987). People's artist of the USSR (1976). Laureate of three state prizes of the USSR (1969, 1974, 1983) and two state prizes of the Russian Federation (1997, 2003). One of the founders and the first Secretary of the USSR Union of theatre workers[5], a member of the USSR Union of cinematographers. He was elected people's Deputy of the USSR from creative unions. A member of the Communist party since 1955. Oleg Efremov-the Creator of the theater "Contemporary", in 1956-1970 was his artistic Director, since 1970 headed the USSR Moscow art theater. Bitter, and after his section in 1987 — the Moscow art theatre. Chekhov. PS: in Buzuluk there is no clearly formulated and purposeful policy to preserve the historical environment, and the state of Affairs in modern construction and architecture is a natural concern. #savethehistoryofthecity

понедельник, 3 декабря 2018 г.

Cleaning and polishing coins. Coin cleaner

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The link to the cleaner http://www.coins-mania.ru/affiliate/22664/sssr-sredstvo-dlya-chistki-i-polirovki-monet-iz-medi-bonzy-i-latuni

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Reinigung und Polieren von Münzen. Reinigung und Polieren von Kupfer -, Bronze -, Messing-Münzen der UdSSR, zaristischen Russland, Galvanik und Bimetall, Reinigung und Polieren von Silbermünzen, Reinigung und Polieren von Goldmünzen und Schmuck, Entfernung von Kupfermünzen Dichte Schichten von Verunreinigungen, bestehend aus Oxiden, Hydroxysäuren, Sulfiden und anderen unlöslichen Salzen, Reinigung von Nickel-und stahlmünzen.

Link zum Reinigungsmittel http://www.coins-mania.ru/affiliate/22664/sssr-sredstvo-dlya-chistki-i-polirovki-monet-iz-medi-bonzy-i-latuni

суббота, 1 декабря 2018 г.

Merchant manor Buzuluk district of the XIX century

Came a new trouble! Before that, Russia had an invasion of the Tatar-Mongols, who burned Moscow Kiev, then the Polish invasion, then the French invasion-a huge number of Russian cities were destroyed. Then came the main trouble, fascist invasion, 100 cities were destroyed. Now we have a new trouble, the Russian bureaucracy, which has already destroyed 1000 villages, monuments of architecture throughout Russia. This invasion of Russian officials for the sake of gain, of money has affected our Buzuluk. Not having the invasion of the Tatar-Mongols, the French, the fascists, now we systematically destroyed everything that concerns the history of the city of Buzuluk, namely the building is a frozen ancient melody of the city, frozen in stone. Buzulukskiy architecture is centuries old, the work of many architects, painters, sculptors, and even simple workers and engineers, pritvorami in the lives of hundreds of designs. As the architectural masterpieces of the city of Buzuluk include old merchant houses, but it was in the past, now we are proud to leave our descendants siding houses, although the current generation is not able to notice even that. Opinion about the destruction of historical and cultural standard in Buzuluk, shared bosomchain Alexander Korolev. Demolition of historical estates in Buzuluk has become a" good " tradition. The building at the corner of Kirov and Otakar Yarosh streets is referred to the historically valuable city-forming objects of the historical settlement of regional significance "Buzuluk city" and is a part of its subject of protection. #savethehistoryofthecity The subject of protection, the boundaries of the territory and the requirements for town-planning regulations in the territory of the settlement approved by the government of the Orenburg region № 595-p from 19.08.2016 Demolition of valuable objects in accordance with the established special regulations is prohibited. The exceptions are dilapidated and emergency buildings that pose a threat to the life and health of citizens, the state of which can lead to collapse. This provides for the subsequent restoration of buildings with the preservation of historical architectural solutions.