суббота, 23 ноября 2013 г.

Beheaded square the town of Buzuluk

In the year of environmental protection administration Buzuluk sanctioned mass felling of trees in the city

сквер в Бузулуке

Recently around a small square on the corner of guy and Shevchenko made fence. Some of the local people naively suggested: «we will Probably finish the square to do a track, set benches, etc.» But very soon they had to be disappointed. They have noticed that the trees in the square steel somehow quickly dry up... "I believe, " said the pensioner Tatiana Vasilievna - high fence made in advance to the townspeople saw how will poison trees chemicals. Soon the inhabitants settled on the place of the square will be to build houses. Then the developer was not stand on ceremony. Brought to the Park of special equipment and a team of workers. The case went: chainsaws спиливали trees in parts from the top down. For the day of all the enclosed area was littered with branch trees. Square disappeared one day. Cutting more than 50 trees authorized first Deputy mayor Vladimir Titov. Plot of land on which there was a Park found to have sold CJSC «EDC» under construction of multi-storey residential houses. The fact that the trees in this area sooner or later cut down her you would expect. Since the policy of the former mayor Valery Anatolyevich Rogozhkin and receiver, as well as their accomplices, for the last 13 years was focused, according to бузулучан, personal enrichment at the expense of municipal property and city budget. For this reason uncontrollably sell land plots, buildings which significantly spoil the architectural image of the city. The city administration blatantly ignores the requirements for integrated development. Such as the presence of many green areas. On the contrary, all efforts officials aimed at the destruction of what remained from the past. So, the area of the Lenin square by a third - place trees took the trade and office buildings. The same thing happened in the Park on the corner of streets Oktyabrskaya and bitter. The money that comes to the budget for the sale of the land, «sucked» through controlled officials of the company - under the guise of performance of works. In particular, the greening of the city. Recently in a video on local television was stated that this year in Buzuluk planted more than 2 thousand of saplings of various trees. And report about such a quantity every year. But specifically, planted with such a large number of seedlings, nobody knows. Because they simply did not planted. On the basis of such fake indicators town of Buzuluk almost annually recognize the winner of the regional competition on the improvement. In early July, the Governor of the Orenburg region Y. Berg handed to the head of Buzuluk another diploma of the winner in regional competition on the improvement. And a week after the ceremony began mass felling of trees at Gaya street. It is not excluded that a kind of penalty square will be in payment Buzuluk for «victory» in the competition for the best landscaping next year... город Бузулук почти ежегодно признают победителем в областном конкурсе по благоустройству.
In early July, the Governor of the Orenburg region Y. Berg handed to the head of Buzuluk another diploma of the winner in regional competition on the improvement. And a week after the ceremony began mass felling of trees at Gaya street. It is not excluded that a kind of penalty square will be in payment Buzuluk for «victory» in the competition for the best landscaping next year...

политика прежнего главы города Валерия Анатольевича Рогожкина и его приемника
On the photo: the trees on the side of the road already there

губернатор Оренбургской области Ю. Берг вручил главе Бузулука очередной диплом победителя в областном конкурсе по благоустройству
На снимке: все вырублено....

показателей город Бузулук
On the photo: a few days before cutting


The CONSPIRACY against the STABILITY... or someone and not give the Vice-Governor of the work yourself ??? Currently the city Buzuluk «walks» colorful paper entitled «Valery Rogozhkin - CHECKED by the TIME!» (photo, very sorry, but only black and white copy - attached»). In this paper Valera Anatolich argues that « in April 2013 decided to leave the Government...». And in the newspaper «Our Buzuluk» (№40(526) 16.10.2013.) - explaining the details of his dismissal readers - Valera Anatolich openly stated that «...Working for a long time the first person, the head of Buzuluk, I used to take decisions independently. At the government of area it did not work» (photo from the publication appended).... well Done, so honest, straight, simple - there without any tricks and omissions.... I have «the spirit is not even enough to think» about those officials of the Government, which did not give «decide» the first Vice-Governor of the oblast, Valery Anatolich - not simply was a high-ranking regional officials - he is also a member of the party United Russia and the most active supporter of « staying the COURSE - a guarantee of STABLE development of Russia (photo banner appended). It is terrible to imagine, that it for officials, more than two years preventing and damaging to the first Vice-Governor, the distinguished Valera Анатоличу, KEEP the class...??? It is not just negligence, bungling or some kind of a crappy corruption - here, you understand, smacks of conspiracy... Probably in the senior management of our region climbed засланцы the U.S. state Department or other imperialist intelligence agencies, which изнутря harm Valery Анатоличу all sorts of dirty methods and deeds... And achieved all the same its these adversaries, the villains and the Western наймиты, - now in our area is minimized COURSE STABLE development of... Yes, can you imagine this was not just a political provocation is the enemy sabotage... Here we all need to show бздительность, signal the «where» and the main support Valera Анатолича in his deeds and help him возвертаться back, in the area... But with such people's trust, and such a position, to filthy broom expel all: who prevented him to lead us to STABILITY. Buzuluk must be the mainstay of our Valera Анатоличу, so that he could once again return to the Orenburg and «red-hot iron» cauterized the «HYDRA»помешавшую him «hold the COURSE» and lead us to the light STABILITY. Бузулучане, I think, all as one, ready for example working «Ural-вагонзавода», to arrive in Orenburg and the vernacular deal with opponents of the COURSE of STABILITY. Application: 1.Фото leaf «Valery Rogozhkin - CHECKED by the TIME!». 2. photo-2pcs. part of the publication of the newspaper «Our Buzuluk» from 16.102013. 3. Photo of the banner with В.Рогожкиным Anatoly Petrov, public correspondent of the newspaper «Бузулукские news» 06.11.2013.

понедельник, 21 января 2013 г.

Lawlessness of Buzuluksky police

Interrogation with special cruelty

пытки в Бузулукской полициипытки Оренбургской области Александр Жидяев после очередного допроса в Бузулукской полиции

In Buzuluksky police the detained persons
give evidences under tortures

That in interdistrict department of police "Buzuluksky" is created wrong, many бузулучане guessed long ago. However the few knew and know that specifically occurred and occurs behind walls of buildings of police on M. Street of Gorky. After the material publication under heading "A criminal nest in Buzuluksky police? " (see "Buzuluksky news" of August 16-31 this year) for communication with newspaper editorial office came more than ten residents and the area. They reported about the facts of illegal actions of staff of buzuluksky police concerning the detained persons. Including concerning Alexander Zhidyaev. Pictures on which Alexander is depicted with many traces of a physical abuse on a body were presented …

About that happened to A.Zhidyaevym, lawyer Alexander Petrovitch KNYAZEV told him:

Suspicions are removed, but is all the same detained

33-year-old Alexander Zhidyaev was recognized earlier as the suspect on the criminal case connected with murder of the person. The crime is committed in April, 2002. A.Zhidyaev repeatedly interrogated on this criminal case. Wishing to cooperate with the investigation, Alexander voluntary passed psychophysiological research with polygraph use - the lie detector. Various expertizes were carried out. Proofs of participation of Zhidyaev to a crime aren't found. From it removed all suspicions.

Subsequently crime investigation repeatedly stopped and resumed. Nevertheless the criminal, and also witnesses and eyewitnesses of murder it wasn't succeeded to establish. The crime, appear, remains not opened. Not to allow it, in Investigative management of SK Russian Federation across the Orenburg region decided "to appoint", probably, specific people "suspects" and "witnesses". Started preparing hastily evidential base under charge.

At midnight on November 9, 2011 to Zhidyaev's apartment the police squad – for Alexander's detention appeared suddenly. As the lawful basis for detention wasn't available, someone from the present showed "ingenuity": during stay in the apartment I enclosed in a pocket of a jacket of Zhidyaev a syringe with muddy liquid. That was as it became clear, drug. However, it wasn't succeeded to prove its emergence: Zhidyaev wasn't an addict and since the childhood in panic is afraid of pricks!

"Frank" recognition under tortures

Zhidyaev delivered in Buzuluksky interdistrict department of police. Interrogation carried out in an office of operatives. Began with psychological receptions, and then passed to sophisticated tortures. Rewound a foot adhesive tape, put on a gas mask the head and suspended by hands on which there were handcuffs. Thus the valve of a hose of a gas mask closed – for air interruption in supply for breath. In breaks between "sessions" of tortures Zhidyaev was exposed to beating by police officers. To any moment even threatened to take out out of limits of a temporary detention center and to kill!

Alexander's tortures proceeded some days. From it demanded making the "necessary" indications concerning other suspect on this criminal case.

At sadistic methods of interrogation to Zhidyaev remained nothing how to stipulate the familiar person. Otherwise for certain would hammer to death.

In three days after Alexander's detention I entered business. First of all, met the client in an insulator of Buzuluksky police. Before me the person driven to despair appeared: with the injured person, scars on the wrists, strongly swelled hands. It was obvious: tortured. Traces of tortures are recorded by me on a camera. At Alexander I told about injuries to investigator A.Dmitriev. However it didn't react as, I believe, knew, what methods police operatives interrogated the detainee. But police officers reacted. In an insulator operatives visited and warned Zhidyaev: if complains of tortures, it will bring to Orenburg and there will take the appropriate measures.

And measures, really, accepted: before carrying out a confrontation of A.Zhidyaev with other person allegedly involved in murder, at night operatives came to Alexander's camera. Also processed it so that my client on a confrontation was strongly scared. To A.Zhidyaev asked a question: from where you have such injuries? On what he answered: I fell in the camera.

Investigator A.Dmitriev had no desire to take an interest: how it is possible to fall so at the same time to beat off edges, to hurt a face, to get strong bruises on hands and feet? The investigator and the guide of Investigative management of SK Russian Federation to the Orenburg region for certain knew about tortures by means of which the necessary indications were beaten out. But deliberately undertook nothing for investigation of illegal actions of police officers.

Seeing inaction of the investigator, A.Zhidyaev began to be afraid even more of a lawlessness of police officers who could pass at any time from threats of murder it to direct execution. Murder of the suspect as always will write off for accident. And police officers again will appear at anything.

Night visits of police officers to Zhidyaev became a commonplace. And each time to it threatened with physical violence. As was at night on November 14, 2012: police officers demanded that Zhidyaev in court in which the issue of arrest it has to be resolved, didn't speak about tortures and threats.

In court Zhidyaev didn't begin to be silent - in detail told about tortures and threats from police officers. The citizens who were present at a hall of court session, and also being in the building of Buzuluksky court, saw big bruises on Zhidyaev's face. All understood that without a beating didn't do. Nevertheless the representative of state charge didn't begin to focus attention on tortures of the detained person. As though brutal mockeries at the person – anything the non-significant fact. Moreover, the representative of state charge supported the petition for election for Zhidyaev measures of restraint in the form of imprisonment. And the judge satisfied the petition. Thus the judge in the resolution pointed to A.Zhidyaevym's commission of especially serious crime for which criminal liability is provided. In fact, that isn't proved yet is in an assertive form specified. The judge actually showed bias in the made decision on a choice of a measure of restraint.

Causes suspicion coherence of actions of the officials representing in criminal case bodies of right protection, a consequence, supervision and justice. They, despite full violation of constitutional laws of the person and standards of the code of criminal procedure persistently achieve A.Zhidyaev's involvement to criminal liability. Such impression that Alexander simply appointed guilty of commission of murder and it try "to legalize" the adjudication.

Comment: :

It is necessary to notice, the fact of ill treatment of the detained person in Buzuluksky militia already was considered in the European court on human rights in Strasbourg (France). It was recognized that in 2001 to citizen A.Dmitrachkova police officers applied inhuman treatment in defiance of the

European Convention on protection of human rights.

The European court noted that neither a consequence, nor court of the Russian Federation wasn't provided "any convincing explanations about an origin of injuries at A.Dmitrachkov". The Buzuluksky interdistrict prosecutor's office and Buzuluksky court then actually covered militiamen sadists from criminal prosecution. And here the same situation arose again. Instead of making already police officers sadists responsible, the same Buzuluksky interdistrict prosecutor's office and the same Buzuluksky court at all don't pay attention to the facts of tortures and mockeries at citizen A.Zhidyaevym. This circumstance serves for бузулучан as the next occasion to regard local police, prosecutor's office and court as an organized criminal group.

In a picture:: Alexander Zhidyaev after the next interrogation in Buzuluksky police Buzuluksky news